save the curry
Late this morning, 2.0 called me from his job site.
movita: Hello?
2.0: Hi, honey! How are you?
movita: Fine. You?
2.0: Good. Um… what are you doing?
movita: Editing some photos.
2.0: So… you’re okay?
movita: Sure. Are you okay?
2.0: Yah. It’s just… I guess there’s some guy running around our neighbourhood with guns.
movita: (assuming this is one of 2.0’s standard stories) Uh huh.
2.0: You have the doors locked?
movita: Sure, honey.
2.0: (his voice sounds weird) So… you haven’t seen the news?
movita: No, why?
movita: Wait. You’re serious?
2.0: Yes! So keep the doors locked.
movita: Okay. I’ll check after I hang up.
2.0: You haven’t seen anything though, right?
movita: No, nothing.
2.0: Okay! See you later!
I hang up the phone, and check that the doors and windows are locked. Then I check the interwebs and find out that there was, indeed, a dude wearing camouflage armed with some vicious looking rifles in the hood. Eventually, he gave himself up to police, and had been taken into custody about an hour before 2.0 called. And the rifles, though very realistic looking, were air rifles. Which I assume means only the air was in danger.
A few moments later, 2.0 arrives at the house.
2.0: I’ve gotta pack a bag. I have to go away for work again. But I thought I’d stop by for lunch before hitting the road.
movita: I can heat up some leftovers for you. (heading for the kitchen) They’ve got that guy in custody. Everything’s fine now.
2.0: Yah, I figured you’d call back right away if something was wrong. You’re good at checking stuff out.
movita: Wait. Your phone call… were you just calling to find out if it was safe to come home for lunch? Were you even worried about me? Or were you just TRYING TO PROTECT YOUR CURRY?
movita: It’s a good thing you’re leaving town.
I love the idea of posts that start with that picture of the phone. Because the posts are inevitably funny. Pretty soon I’m going to be at someone’s house and see a phone on the wall and start laughing and they’re going to be like “what the hell got into HER?”
I’m not gunna lie to ya – a lot of people laugh at that phone when they come to visit us.
Men! They’re all the same. 🙂
Mine is, at least, very predictable…
Yeah, that’s why you love us.
Also, I should add: I know a lot of women who’d have done the same as 2.0…
2.0: Avoiding Google since 1998
He doesn’t even have a smart phone! HIS PHONE IS JUST A PHONE! It’s so, so sad.
Well Rachael, in 2.0’s defense, there was almost certainly a dual motive in his calling you. After, all you are the love of his life—right—in addition to being the pacifier of his hunger pangs.
Then again, had you not answered, he might well have simply picked up a sandwich at the local deli, just to be on the safe side.
As an aside, this morning, had I known that you had leftover curry in the offing, I would have been there—guns or no guns.
Hahahah curry is very important.
It’s nice to see a guy who can prioritize. Although his Prioritizing Kung Fu might need a little tweaking.
Oh hahaha… You are so funny!!!!!
I just love love love your post 🙂
I hope 2.0 is back from business trip with some gift for you.
I’m very relieved that the nutter did not in fact pose any danger to your spiced lunch. Or, you know, you. But a good curry is hard to find that’s all I’m saying.
Yeah, but it’s curry.
That’s exactly what 2.0 said.
Well, it *was* curry. I can see where that would be pretty important to him. On the other hand, maybe he knew the guy had turned himself in, but wanted to call you anyway just so you would think that he was concerned about you. Then he happened to arrive home for his lunch. You know, or he just really cares about curry.
Ruh-oh! I’m sure it was super delicious curry
You make curry??
Yes! A completely inauthentic version, of course! I call it Clear Out Curry – because you clear out your veggie drawer, and also… you know.
He was trying to protect the curry that had already been made as well as his lady love, you, Movita, the maker and microwaver of curry. Both are incredibly important. He just needs to work on his game (i.e. don’t be caught out so easily, 2.0!). Duuuuuuuude.
Oh, this story reminds me of an experience I had at my former job, involving a panicked doctor and a bat … So many stories, so little time to tell them. Thanks for the laugh to start my day!
HAHAHAHAHHAA I love you guys so much. Must have been some good curry.
It WAS good curry…
Dudes: ALWAYS focusing on what’s important.