ginger 2019: winners declared

What’s new, my little lambs? Are you excited? Would you like to know who won Ginger 2019 — the sweetest battle on the planet? Wonderful! We’ll get to that, but first I’d like to discuss this competition’s namesake, ginger.
Ginger is a spice that comes from the fresh or dried root of the ginger plant, zingiber officinale. Ground, fresh, pickled, preserved, dried, candied or crystallized, our flavourful friend helps bring life to a variety of dishes.
The story of ginger dates back thousands of years. Some people claim it is an aphrodisiac which explains a lot about your dedication to this competition.
Wait! Where are you going?

After some serious deliberation, the 2019 Ginger Panel has selected our champions!

I mean, look at that thing! Susan’s entry wowed the 2019 Ginger Panel with its incredible attention to detail and scale. Susan’s entry wowed me by finally finding a use for dehydrated broccoli.
Congrats, Susan! The Precipice is a glorious, awe-inspiring creation. Yours is a well-deserved victory!

For the second year in a row, Kerri has secured a second-place victory! If memory serves, Kerri won a People’s Choice Prize way back in 2016 as well. The Ginger Panel seemed especially charmed by the tiny sweets and details tucked into the bakery. I guess they weren’t bothered by that starving orphan at all.
Three cheers for the sweetest little bakery ever! Congratulations, Kerri!

For the second year in a row, our 1st Place winner has also claimed the People’s Choice Prize. Susan has proven that committing one’s life completely to Ginger can really pay off. Way to go, Susan! I can’t wait to see what you get up to next year…
Congrats Susan and Kerri on your sweet victories!
Thank you to the members of the 2019 Ginger Panel, tasked with picking the winners from 21 glorious entries. Please keep your hands off my stuff, okay?
Thank you to me for answering emails that said stuff like: I can’t see my entry on your site with: that’s because the competition doesn’t start until next week, without murdering a single person.
And thank you to autocorrect for believing that when I type ‘gingering’ I really want to say: fingering. EVERY GODDAMNED TIME.

Maybe you find this time of year stressful, maybe you’re missing someone, or maybe things seem especially overwhelming right now. Know that every one of this year’s competitors — and every competitor since 2010 — was told they could withdraw from the competition if they were uncomfortable with being teased and tormented by yours truly. No one has ever taken me up on my offer. In fact, many return year after year for more of my shenanigans. I like to think it’s because Gingerers enjoy a good laugh as much as I do, but I’m confident they’re also happy to take a hit for those of you who might appreciate it these days. So thanks, Gingerers. Thanks to all of you for being such good sports, for letting me make fun of you, and for spreading a little laughter around these here parts. You done good.
Happy holidays, friends!
Quite an amazing group of Fingerers, indeed! ☝?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Movita! Thanks for organizing and working so hard on this competition ~ I really look forward to it every year. And thank you for another year full of laughs, snorts, and guffaws! ?
Thanks for showin’ up, Kirsten! I’m so glad I’ve got peeps like you in my life!
Fantastic! Huzzahs all around to all the winners and participants!!
Another exciting competition! Congrats to the winners, and all the entrants. And a big thanks to you Movita for organizing and sharing this amazing ginger event. Wouldn’t be Christmas now without this annual gingering tradition. Merry Christmas to you. XO
OMG even though I didn’t participate this year due to life and other things I am so inspired to try again next year and join this fun group. Thanks for the HILARIOUS commentary and supportive words by Movita it is the highlight of my holiday season to read the GINGER posts.
Happy Holidays! Sarah
Sarah, I’m with you in that I didn’t participate this year due to life and other things and Movita is so funny with her wit. Take care and may you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy and healthy new year! Until later…
2020 will be Ginger’s 10th year. I expect you both to GINGER YOUR ASSES OFF.
Wow, those are impressive gingerbread houses! Congrats to the winners!
Ok, I get it now, how this works. Congrats to the well deserved winners. Silly me, didn’t realize what I sent Rachel would actually be printed with my piece, LOL. Next time I will show a great deal more humility. Can’t wait to do it again next year!
Which is exactly why I send competitors an email saying: click this link to view past competitions. IT MAKES EVERYTHING SO CLEAR! ?