petite merde no. 6

Yesterday 2.0 hollered from the basement and told me to, “Turn on the news. Hurry!” I immediately turned the television to a national news network. I watched a COVID-19 press conference for 45 minutes. Absolutely nothing new was announced.
When the update ended I met 2.0 in the kitchen.
movita: I watched the news conference but I’m not sure what you wanted me to see. Maybe I was too late?
2.0: There was a guy on there that looked like Kenny Rogers.
movita: Wait…what? You wanted me to stop what I was doing to see a guy who looked like Kenny Rogers? Not hear an update about the crisis?
2.0: Yah.
movita: But you didn’t mention the Kenny Rogers lookalike.
2.0: No.
movita: And you can see how I might think they were making a major announcement? Because you yelled at me frantically to turn on the news?
2.0: I guess. But I figured you’d know what I wanted you to see as soon as you turned on the news.
movita: Can you can understand why I might have been a little concerned? Frightened even?
2.0: Maybe for second. But then happy because you’d have seen the Kenny lookalike.
movita: But I spent 45 minutes watching a news conferenc–
2.0: You saw him though, right?
movita: Who?
2.0: Kenny Rogers.
movita: I don’t recall seeing anyone who looked like Kenny Rogers.
2.0: Well, this has been a complete waste of time.
movita: I think we’re going to have to lay down some new ground rules.

So glad you have built in entertainment at home! Stay well!
So, the problem is that you aren’t observant enough? A Kenny Rogers look-a-like should be pretty easy to spot. Kenny had a pretty distinctive look about him and he had that same look for decades. Pretty much anyone of your…generation..should be able to spot Kenny. Going with 2.0 on this one cuz. ?
I guess I was DISTRACTED thinking they were going to announce the end of the world or something. Now I know to be on the look out for lookalikes. I will be vigilant.
Oh my goodness. Thanks for the laugh, especially when I saw the lookalike. Keep safe, and always watch for lookalikes.