Posts by movita beaucoup
ginger 2019: group 1
We live in daunting times, my little angel muffins. Poverty, oppression, discrimination, vaping. It’s why you might find some competitive gingering comforting. There is no inequality here. No! I will treat each and every competitor like rubbish! So gather ’round sweet moppets! Let the magic that is Ginger 2019 wrap you in its straight-from-the-oven warmth. …
Read Moremeet the 2019 ginger panel
Prepare yourselves! Ginger 2019 is here! Tomorrow (Friday, December 20) you’ll see 21 competitive ginger masterpieces on this here blog. Yup. ALL of the entries will land in your inboxes within minutes of one another. Voting for the People’s Choice Prize starts Friday evening and will continue until Monday morning. That should give you lots…
Read Morecrap no. 54
Greetings! This edition of Crap has been brought to you by bad grammar, run-on sentences, and some bellybutton lint (compliments of 2.0). My sister and I were supposed to go to France in November, but our trip has been delayed. My sister broke her body pretty good and we figured it wouldn’t be fun to…
Read Moreginger 2019
It’s time! Competitive gingering at its best/worst! If you would like to be a part of this absolutely horrendous annual online competition, read on. THERE WILL BE EXTRA YELLING AND SWEARING THIS YEAR BECAUSE I AM AT THE END OF MY TETHER WITH SOME OF YOU. ENTRY GUIDELINES/RULES: 1. Create a gingerbread house zoned residential,…
Read Morecrap no. 53
Hey there! It’s been a long time. I didn’t mean to leave you hangin’ for so long. I’ve been out living my truth or whatever Oprah says I should be doing. I officially launched my dance photography business over the summer. In August I started referring to myself as a lady boss, but then people…
Read Morekept woman
I see you’ve posted a picture of your French tip manicure and engagement ring on Facebook. I’m happy for you; you’ve been waiting eight years for the opportunity to “marry your best friend.” But I need you to know that there is absolutely no way I can attend your wedding. I will give you a…
Read Morecrap no. 52
Ah, the dog days of summer. A time for spiralling and regret thanks to the massive list of goals I write every May which is completely unrealistic and definitely unachievable. I know what you’re thinking: why do that to yourself, movita? And I’m gunna have to say: what else was I supposed to write in…
Read Morecrap no. 51
Have you noticed how hard it is to read websites now? Pop-ups, opt-ins, sliding ads, banner ads on top of banner ads, ads placed right in the body of the post. It’s out of control! I’ve grown so tired of closing ads on websites that I have removed all ads from my blog. This punishes…
Read Morecrap no. 50
I survived yet another teaching year without being recruited into a youth gang. I consider this a major win. I mentioned this on Facebook, but because I assume my typical reader is 87 years old and thinks The Facebooks is trying to steal their retirement savings, I thought I’d put a recommendation here. (My site…
Read Moreif you kill one, fifty more come to his funeral
Six months after Derek’s mother passed away, we stood in the yard looking up at her house. The fog had come in fast and the smell of salt water was heavy on the air. Blackflies swarmed around my head, jamming themselves into every available opening — my ears, nose, and mouth, a few down my…
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