ballerina bakeshop

the ballerina bakeshop: autumn fairy cupcakes {cinderella}

autumn fairy cupcakes | movita beaucoup

. . . Welcome back to the Ballerina Bakeshop! Today’s special? Cinderella-inspired pumpkin cupcakes topped with a brown sugar cream cheese frosting. Get it? Because the Fairy Godmother turns a pumpkin into Cinderella’s carriage? That kind of tie-in is art, people. And just in case you’re confused, that little ballerina on top of the cupcake…

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how to make swan lake cupcake toppers

swan lake cupcake toppers | movita beaucoup

. . . As far as crafts go, this is about as easy as it gets. But you should know that the wee ballerina cupcake toppers are just that – wee. So if you don’t like finicky, elf-sized projects, or if you have gargantuan fingers, walk away. You’ve been warned. Black Swan Cupcake Toppers You…

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the ballerina bakeshop: white swan cupcakes

white swan cupcakes | movita beaucoup

These White Swan Cupcakes are of the orange-infused sort, and they are topped with a cream cheese frosting. A bitter-sweet combination – like the story of the white swan. She finds her prince, but they – you know – die. The cupcakes have a gentle orange flavour, and are very moist. The cream cheese frosting…

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the ballerina bakeshop: black swan cupcakes

black swan cupcakes | movita beaucoup

Let’s talk Black Swan Cupcakes. These cupcakes are a light chocolate cupcake with a classic chocolate buttercream frosting. I added black food colouring to the frosting to make it darker. It will turn your tongue a little blackish-blue. If you don’t like using gobs of food colouring, you can just leave ’em as is – they’ll…

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