ginger 2013 ~ everyone’s a winner!
Hey there, Ginger fans! I’m pleased to declare Barb (Jingle Birds Rock) Ginger 2013 champ! Congrats on your sweet victory! Barb, your entry was absolutely stunning, and I’m honoured to have had the chance to share it with so many people.
Our 1st Place Winner, Barb, will receive a $100.00 US gift certificate to shop online at Bake It Pretty, an autographed copy of Ricardo: Slow Cooker Favourites, by Ricardo Larrivée, a copy of Crosby’s Molasses Family Favourites Cookbook, and a $100 donation on her behalf to Family SOS.
Kate (Welcome to Downton), our 2nd Place Winner, will receive a $50.00 US gift certificate to shop online at Bake It Pretty, a copy of Butter Baked Goods: Nostalgic Recipes from a Little Neighborhood Bakery, by Rosie Daykin, a copy of Crosby’s Molasses Family Favourites Cookbook, and $100 donation on her behalf to Family SOS.
Our 3rd Place Winner, Cindy (Cinderella-Worthy Castle), will receive a copy of Butter Baked Goods: Nostalgic Recipes from a Little Neighborhood Bakery, by Rosie Daykin and a copy of Crosby’s Molasses Family Favourites Cookbook.
Our youngest competitors – Faye and Bella – will also receive a special prize. A copy of Crosby’s Molasses Family Favourites Cookbook, and a copy of Lemony Snicket’s “When Did You See Her Last?” – the second volume in his new All the Wrong Questions series. My sister, Haddy, had it signed by his official representative, Daniel Handler! (Girls, watch this! And this!)
And finally, the people at Crosby’s Molasses loved this year’s entries so much, that they are going to send each and every competitor a copy of their book, Crosby’s Molasses Family Favourites Cookbook! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?
I’d like to send a huge thank you out to Crosby’s Molasses for sweetening the prize pot for 2013, and for being such amazing supporters of my competition! Bridget, you’re the best! I’m also thrilled that Crosby’s was so eager to join me in contributing to a good cause (Family SOS) this year. Crosby’s, you be good people!
I’d also like to thank all of this year’s competitors. I can personally attest to the amount of time and work that goes into creating ginger masterpieces like the ones we’ve seen this week, and I appreciate all you have done to support my blog and annual competitions. Thanks for being such good sports, for letting me make fun of you, and for being so supportive of your fellow competitors. I hope you had as much fun as I did!
Voters? You da bomb. I appreciate the time you took to head on over here to cast your votes in this epic battle of ginger. I know the words of support and encouragement you left for the competitors were very much appreciated.
Let’s meet back here in December 2014, okay?
Happy holidays!
The entries were just amazing this year – as they are every year. There was something wonderful about every single one, and I hope all the bakers feel super proud and have printed themselves certificates of awesomeness to stick on the fridge. Congratulations to everyone!
Congrats to Barb for winning, and to everyone who participated for having the guts to put yourselves out there – all of your entries were special in their own way! Thanks to Movita Beaucoup for hosting these highly entertaining competitions – I know they must be a LOT of work to organize, and your commentary on the entries is always one of my favorite parts!
Congratulations to Barb! Amazing gingerbread masterpiece! Great job to all who entered, they were all beautiful pieces of art!
This whole contest thing was…..AMAZING! thanks for sharing the love.
Thank you to everyone who voted for Bear and the Jingle Birds! I stumbled upon this contest through and had a blast. Movita, I love your stories and your readers leave fun and entertaining comments. I am a big fan and look forward to Ginger 2014!
Those entries were seriously impressive and amazing. Hats off to everybody, and to movita for encouraging gingerbread architecture.
Brilliant contest and it gets bigger every year. You must be so excited that so many people get involved. I’ll give it a go next year, I promise.
What a house! Way to go Barb! Also, Merry Christmas Movita! 🙂
Merry Christmas my friend – and wow, Barb is bursting with talent, what a house! 😀
Happy Holidays!
Happy New Year, friend! I hope 2014 brings you many adventures and much happiness!
Comments are now closed on this post – it was published in 2013!