ginger 2010

(photo from Ginger 2005 – the original battle royale)

Do you like to compete? Sure you do. Do you follow movita’s annual gingerbread competition? Of course you do. Do you want to participate this year? Yah you do!

Here’s the thing. The Rutherfords had another baby. It’s kinda cramping my competitive nature. It’s hard to think about trouncing someone when that person is holding a cute (albeit drooling) baby. And it’s hard to feel good about making them compete when they are so tired and stuff. I don’t think they sleep any more. Ever. So, here’s what I’m thinking: why don’t you compete with me? And other losers cool people from the interweb? The Rutherfords can still get on board. Who knows… maybe their kids will sleep one night and they can slap together one of their crappy houses.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Create a super-awesome gingerbread house.
  2. Send movita a picture (two max) of your super-awesome gingerbread house by December 25th.
  3. Watch for a picture of your super-awesome gingerbread house to appear on movitabeaucoup. I figure only about four of you will enter, so your odds of making it to the site are pretty darn good.
  4. Watch people vote for your super-awesome gingerbread house.
  5. Win the respect and admiration of many.

Yah. There’s no real prize. Just fame and bragging rights. Sounds fun, right? Good. It’s settled. Send me your photos.

Email photo(s) of your entry to by December 25th, 2010.

Oh, photos shouldn’t include you/your kids/your pets. We just wanna see your gingerbread house. Be sure to send your name, email and any other information you might want included with your entry. Your personal information will not be posted on the interweb. That would be creepy. And don’t send some photo you found online and then claim it as your own. That’s really creepy.


1 Comment

  1. movita beaucoup on July 3, 2015 at 8:23 am

    Comments on this post are now closed as it was published in 2010.