movita’s veggie patch – progress report { 9 }

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We have onions! I harvested a few yesterday. That’s right. I harvested the crap outta them. And then we ate ’em in our dinner. I pulled a beet out of the ground, but it was only the size of my thumb. We’re weeks behind after all of the rain in the spring, but with another mostly sunny week ahead, I’m betting I’ll be eating beets in no time. Except for that one I killed harvested yesterday.

It’s been a wonderful week. The gardens have exploded – colour everywhere, bees going nuts, and plenty to keep 2.0 busy. My brother, Adopamop, is here with one of my nieces, Lucy 2.0. They live in France with Adopamop’s partner Isa and their other little one, Apolline. Isa and Apolline have stayed in France, as the country would probably collapse if they all left at the same time. I haven’t seen The Frenchies for about two and a half years. Two and a half years is a long time to wait for that level of awesome. Adopamop is a photography guru, and has been sharing gobs of information with me so I’ll be totally prepared for my new Grown Up Camera in the fall. He even lets me play with his Really Grown Up Camera. Lucy 2.0 is a prize, and one of the most lovely girls I have ever met. I work with hundreds of children every year, so I’m kind of an expert on jerky versus non-jerky kids.

Here’s hoping you had a marvellous weekend filled with family, friends and pop quizzes on aperture and shutter speed.



  1. Lynne on July 11, 2011 at 9:34 am

    Fantastic!! You were my inspiration – I began my garden a bit after you did, so my harvest is behind you. I *did* eat some lettuce yesterday – who knows what kind it is, but it was delicious. The rest are tomatoes… hopefully, lots & lots of tomatoes.

    That onion looks like it is full of deliciousness – now why on earth didn’t I think of planting onions?

    • movita on July 11, 2011 at 8:12 pm

      We were told that onions were no-fail, thus we figured they’d be perfect for us. We like to aim for mediocrity at best… I’m so glad you’ve started a garden – isn’t fun to obsess over the little leaves and check for progress daily?

  2. emmalina73 on July 11, 2011 at 10:05 am

    Peeping with excitement! What tastes better than home grown veggies? Nothing! Plus when you ‘harvested’ your mini beet you were actually ‘thinning out’ which is very good gardening practice. You are already an expert!

    Congrats on the bounty and on the visitors : )

    • movita on July 11, 2011 at 8:10 pm

      Yes, I was “thinning.” That’s right. It was totally planned. Planned thinning…

  3. Marion on July 11, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    Do you eat your tiny beets with their greens attached? It’s one of the things I like best about thinning the beets. Tiny beets with new greens, steamed with butter and lemon–Yum!

    • movita on July 11, 2011 at 8:10 pm

      I haven’t had beet greens in years – I’m thinking I just might do that!

  4. heatherjay on July 13, 2011 at 10:37 pm

    have a wonderful visit with the little bro’ and sweet Lucy…(and enjoy those onions).
    xo hj

  5. movita beaucoup on September 13, 2015 at 11:42 am

    Comments are now closed on this post as it was published in July 2011. Thanks for stopping by!