bake my cake 2013
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I will be graduating from baking school on June 18th. Well, I’m supposed to graduate, but that’s only if I don’t screw up a bunch of stuff between now and then. Anyhoo, to mark my intent to graduate, I was thinking we could have a friendly competition. Because nothing bonds people more than some bad-ass baking.
Here’s what I’m thinking: why don’t you get off your rear and bake me a graduation cake? You can compete with other cool people from the interwebs to see who creates the most epic mass of butter, sugar and flour. Let’s engage in a buttercream smack-down. A sugary battle royale, if you will.
Here’s what you do:
- Create an awesome graduation cake for movita. Anything you like. I don’t like rules, so as long as it is a cake, I’m happy. Any style. Any colour. Any flavour. Any decorating theme. You get to eat the cake (because I don’t want you to go to the trouble of mailing it to me), so you’re already winning.
- Send movita a picture (two maximum) of your super-awesome cake by Friday, May 31, 2013 @ midnight AST. Also, if you could downsize your photos a bit, that would be awesome. Please don’t crash my email. (Send photos to movita|at| or click the email link on the right sidebar.) No late entries will be accepted – you’ve got, like, two months to get your act together. Photos shouldn’t include you/your kids/your pets. We just wanna see your cake, Creepy.
- Listen, people, I’m not kidding about the two photo thing. Some of you like to send in, say, twelve photos with a charming note that says, “I couldn’t pick, movita, they were all so awesome.” Cut it out. I don’t have time for that crap. Send in TWO photos. If you send more, I will return your email to you and tell you to pick TWO photos and re-submit your entry. I don’t like it when my voice sounds like this.
- Don’t send me some photo you found online and then claim it as your own. Seriously.
- Be sure to send your name, email, blog address and any other information you might want included with your entry. That’s right – I’ll post some lame-ass story you tell me about your super-awesome creation on the interwebs. If you’re a blogger, send along a link to your blog – that way we can all come visit you over there. Your personal information (email, last name, weight) will not be posted on the interweb. Just your first name, your photos, and anything dumb you’ve insisted I include about your cake like, “I set my house on fire baking this cake, isn’t that hilarious? LOL!!” Actually, I refuse to post LOL’s on my blog, so don’t bother trying.
- Watch for a picture of your super-awesome graduation cake to appear on movita beaucoup. I will, in all likelihood, make fun of your cake. Also, I’ll probably make fun of you. Deal.
- Watch people vote for your super-awesome graduation cake. Preliminary voting will take place during the week of June 10-14, 2013, with the final vote on Monday, June 17. You can promote yourself like mad on facebook and twitter. Email people you knew in high school. Bribe people to vote for you. It’s the world wide web people! Turns out you can use it for more than just porn. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, June 18th – graduation day!
- Win the respect and admiration of many. And, wait for it… a prize.
The prize has been sponsored by yours truly – because stealing lunch money at college has been very profitable. The winner will receive:
A $50.00 (USD) gift certificate at Bake It Pretty!
You can buy yourself all sorts of wicked awesome stuff there. It’s, like, the best mother freakin’ place ever. And then you can have your self-picked treats shipped right to your doorstop.
Some treats from movita! Wheeeeee! Including two retro books on using those decorating tips and pastry bags you’ve been collecting. I’m not kidding, these books are from around 1985, but I have ’em both and use them all the time. Your prize pack will contain:
a. Wilton book on using decorating tips | b. teeny-tiny cutters | c. Ateco book on uses for decorating tips | d. teeny-tiny candles | e. vanilla bean paste | f. a thingy to help you measure butter | g. a garland marker set | h. an icing comb set
So, it’s settled. Start decorating your cakes, and send me your photos. You can send me your entry this week, or slap something together at the last minute like you did in high school.
Email photo(s) of your entry to movita|at| by Friday, May 31, 2013. Too lazy to copy and paste that email address? Just click on that email button in the right sidebar of this here blog.
The competition starts… NOW!
Yay! Yay! Yay!
I would totally be attempting to make your cake (because Lord knows I still need practice with sweet, sticky, cakey things) if I wasn’t graduating from my culinary school around that date! I really wish you so much good luck for this final push Movita, it has been so inspiring seeing what you have to say and show us and I’ve been doing my own journey the other side of the world. When I’m feeling crap about what I’ve been doing, you tell a story about breaking something and when I wonder why I’m going through it all, you have some fantastic new pictures of bread and I just go ‘WOW. YES, I WANT TO DO THIS BECAUSE NOTHING ELSE IS THIS AMAZING’ and you always make me feel like I can do it, however busy and insane your own life is.
Aw, Juls. You’re the best! I can’t wait to see you on the other side…
i’m effing in. i’m coming out of semi-retirement to participate.
Dear lawd, this could get messy.
I can’t even believe I’m saying this but I’m coming off the judgy sidelines this year – I’m in! Though my chances of winning are seriously in question compared to the amazing entries you’ve had in the past, I can’t let this chance to bake you a once in a lifetime graduation cake go by without giving it a try! It might have cauliflower or something else crazy in it though, because that’s what I do – I put random crap in my cakes and you better like it. The end.
This is the bestest news!! Also, as long as I don’t have to EAT the cauliflower cake, I’m happy…
Oh I feel for you all. It’s like childbirth. It hurts SO bad but then it is just such a lovely memory after a couple years. My school year was quite grueling and now I mostly remember the fun parts like our regional seven course meals every other week- ( and of that, I’ve chosen to remember the part where we were sitting and enjoying, food, wine and spirits- not the yelling, crying and screaming prep:)
I seriously doubt having time for making a cake but am completely lured with the gift cert. Great choice. Going to at least stalk the site now.
Um, you have a shop to open. You are excused. Besides, I’ll come visit you one day, and you can cook for me 24/7.
Sweet!! I must seek redemption from last year! I’ve just got to find something that tops the chocolate-chocolate…
There’s no better ingredient in baking than REVENGE.
What a wonderful way to celebrate your graduation!
I love the idea and just might work up enough courage to take part
Do it! I bet you’d make the most epically awesome cake…
um….DONE. I’ll be starting blueprints today.
I hope that one day you’ll take some scraps of paper in to… well, wherever they make blueprints, and have a set printed off. Cake blueprints would be wicked awesome!
This is always so much fun, Movita! If I have time.. I will definitely join in and I wouldn’t even care if I won:D Fun!!
I trust that you have cleared your schedule for this event…
Cool! I’ll try my best 😉
How can you be done (nearly) already? Have you even Tweeted from the can yet?
Well you probably have, I just don’t follow Twitter. Nevermind.
I have just tweeted from the can. And posted it on facebook just for you.
I used to decorate cakes all fancy-like when my girls were little but it’s been a very looooong time since those days. Let me mull this over. At the very least, I am going to get a kick out of watching the throw-down. Your competitors and competitions are always the best fun!
And as for the impending graduation, I don’t have even the slightest bit of doubt that you will do this. And do it well.
Stacy, I need cake for this final push. Lots of cake. Get on it.
Tempting! Can’t wait to see the entries! 🙂
Emily, I will be expecting your entry. You’re too awesome not to buttercream someone’s booty…
PS: thank you also for giving me so much time to procrastinate until the deadline; i like dragging this out for as long as is humanly possible. the end of may will be PERFECT.
I will be awaiting your last minute entry with bated breath!
A cake challenge you say?! Um, yeah, I’m in. Mainly just because I love ya and want to make your pretty face a cake. xx
Woot! Woot!!
Can I assume you’ve been successfully tweeting from the can, that we’ve put that behind us? Because if not, I’ll make you another iphone cake and photograph it on the toilet. If we HAVE moved on, I’ll have other options.
Yes. Can Tweets have happened. Though, cakes on the can are always a fan favourite…
I need to enter so I can LOL all the way to the bank….
or bake it pretty.
Cannot wait to sit in judgement of all the cakes to come…
[…] so on the hottest day of the season thus far, i cranked on the Oven and baked for Movita Beaucoup’s graduation from baking […]
Comments on this post are now closed as it was published in April 2013.