{other} sweets
faux meringues {one egg white}
This is a recipe Rosie Beaucoup introduced me to many years ago. I believe the original came from an ancient Canadian Living magazine, but I’ve altered the notes and method considerably. Growing up, I ate many a meringue made with this method, and even requested them as a part of my prom night dinner (which Rosie catered). I wore…
Read Morerhubarb curd
On Father’s Day, I told Bill Beaucoup that I love him very much and that I’m glad he’s my dad. He responded with an eye roll and “whatever.” It was pretty touching. Despite his lack of sentimentality, I gave him a jar of rhubarb curd made with love. Hear that, Bill Beaucoup? YOU ATE LOVE. Here’s…
Read Morepot de crème au chocolat
Last evening, we bid farewell to our dear, sweet friend, ebony. She has been 2.0’s constant and loyal companion for many years, and we will miss her far more than I can properly express in words. As I’ve said before: a million accumulated moments of happiness can be matched in sorrow the instant you have…
Read Moremountain of meringues
This is the dessert I most frequently requested as a teenager. My mother, Rosie Beaucoup, got the inspiration from Canadian Living magazine, and after its first appearance in the Beaucoup household, I was hooked. Have I ever told you how much I love meringues? I’d maim for them. The concept is straightforward: a big pile…
Read Moreblueberry crumble {crap no. 5}
I have writer’s block. (It’s probably just extreme laziness, but saying I have writer’s block makes it sound more artsy.) I blame my writer’s block on four straight days of Haddy Birthday posts last week. So, here’s another edition of crap I’ve been meaning to tell you about. You know you kinda sorta like it.…
Read Morecaramel dumplings {and an open letter to this face}
Dear Sad Little Face, Don’t be upset. I know it’s not fair. Life just doesn’t go our way sometimes. It’s not your fault that your mother chose to be allergic to cats. It would have been so lovely to have one. Keeping a kitten suspended in a birdcage over your bed certainly could have worked.…
Read Moreeasy homemade chocolate sauce
The girls run across the studio, screaming. Two of them jump up on window sills. For a moment, I am unsure of what is happening. I look for an axe wielding maniac and simultaneously suffer cardiac arrest. I turn to Mr. Kallio (my accompanist) behind the piano. He looks confused for a moment, throws his hands over his…
Read Morecranberry mini-pies topped with walnut streusel
. . . Cranberry Mini-Pies Topped with Walnut Streusel recipe: adapted slightly from Better Homes and Gardens’ Holiday Baking Issue 2012 print and bake Yields 10 mini-pies. For the streusel: 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons rolled oats 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon 3 tablespoons…
Read Moreoatmeal scones topped with lavender sugar
Here’s the thing about baking school: it is equal parts exhilarating and disheartening. I wake up in the morning excited but terrified. I reek of yeast, sweat and anxiety. As soon as I think I’ve figured something out, something goes wrong. It’s an exercise in frustration – and it’s pretty overwhelming. I’m reasonably confident that…
Read Moreamy’s cherry crisp
That’s my Aunt Amy up there. On the left. I guess she liked standing on that side. She was my great aunt. She passed away on April 28th, at age 97, just before my 40th birthday. My 40’s will mark my first decade on this planet without her. Amy lived in Toronto for her entire…
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