
Today we celebrated 2.0’s 45th birthday. He requested lasagna and a chocolate cake topped with boiled frosting to mark the occasion. We lit some candles and sang to our favourite fellow at the top of our lungs. After the smoke had cleared and we’d polished off second helpings, Rosie said, “I’m so glad I got all of that on video! I just sent it to Haddy in Toronto and the girls in France! It’s being seen all around the world! Let’s watch!”

And because her video was so glorious, I thought you might want to watch it too.

Happy birthday, 2.0. I hope you’ve got a good memory.


  1. Maureen on September 25, 2016 at 11:50 pm

    I read ‘boiled frosting’ and started to swoon. Nobody calls it boiled frosting any more do they? It was what I wanted for my birthday every year and my mother would moan. I wanted angel cake with sprinkles in it rather than chocolate cake but I might try that for my next birthday.

    I’m still doing the, “What???” on the video.

    Love to Rosie, well done.

    • movita beaucoup on September 26, 2016 at 9:43 am

      Well, technically, that’s Seven Minute Frosting which is slightly different than boiled frosting, but a lot of people use the terms interchangeably! It’s very old school. I think people shy away from it now because it doesn’t fit the trend of perfectly smooth buttercream and a crapton of fondant. But it’s so tasty! The cake and frosting were light as air…

      After viewing the video Rosie had sent around the world, I said, “Didn’t you watch it before sending it?” The answer was, of course, “No.”

      Lesson learned.

  2. thatskinnychickcanbake on September 26, 2016 at 10:14 am

    Your family has certainly expanded 😉 Happy birthday to 2.0!

  3. Beth Dunham on September 26, 2016 at 2:05 pm

    Let’s not be too quick the genius that is Rosie Beaucoups, the cinematography is reminiscent of the Blair Witch Project, maybe horror is her true calling?

    • movita beaucoup on September 28, 2016 at 9:03 am

      This is an excellent point! Rosie is an innovator. Soon, YouTube will be filled with short action horror films!

  4. WillCookForFriends on September 30, 2016 at 7:55 pm

    Ahahaha, I think we’ve all been there. Stupid record buttons, they really should be more clearly marked. 😛

  5. Karen on November 9, 2016 at 10:22 pm

    This. Made. My. Day!

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