lego cake
For the second year in a row, Oliver thought he might like a garbage truck cake to mark the occasion of his birthday. I’m all for waste management, but was pretty happy when he changed his mind and decided upon a Lego cake. I don’t know that this qualifies as a tutorial, but I thought I’d outline how I went about ebellishing this cake – just in case you like detail-oriented projects, and loathe free time.
Both the Lego man and blocks were made from fondant. I borrowed a few of Oliver’s Lego bricks so I could tint my fondant to match the true Lego colours EXACTLY. The bricks are to scale in terms of length and width (but not depth), as are the little circles on top. To make the bricks I measured the real Lego bricks and then cut strips of fondant (rolled to 1/16 inch) to match. I used a piping tip to cut out the little circles, and then attached them to the tops of the bricks using a tiny bit of water and a food-safe brush.
To make the Lego man, I did a Google image search for “lego man template,” picked one I liked, and then scaled it to the size I thought would best fit the cake. I printed the image, cut it out, and used it as a template for the various segments of my Lego dude. Because he measured only 5 inches tall, some of the pieces were very small, and I went blind for about 36 hours. This did not deter me in the least because I’m a goddamned professional. I assembled my man on parchment paper – brushed the tiniest bit of water along the edges of the fondant that need to connect, gently pressed together, and then allowed the entire piece to dry for two days. I used a spatula to transfer the man to the cake. I free-handed the face with some teeny-tiny fondant pieces. I think I captured the essence of a blank Rutherford stare quite nicely.
I used fondant cutters for the number 5 and Oliver’s name. I placed the letters on little fondant squares, which I think looks perfectly adorable. I did not make the confetti sprinkles. I bought them at the Bulk Barn. But I was blind for 36 hours.
Honestly, this is one of my most favourite cake projects to date. Oliver – a very charming and thoughtful little man – is most deserving of sweet treats and happy birthdays. Even if his parents are my sworn enemies.
It is adorable, and it definitely qualities as a Lego cake. Lego is a lucky guy!
Thanks, Cherie!
Love it! Especially Lego man’s talk bubble 🙂
Thanks, Michelle!
SO MANY circles on the blocks. I would have been insane by the time that was done. Completely understandable blindness.
SO MANY! Thank goodness I have 2.0 to read stuff for me, and reenact scenes from our favourite television shows.
You cut out all the dots and placed them perfectly on the blocks? I don’t know a kid I like that much. 🙂 It’s GORGEOUS!
I BET it was a pain in the ass to make—but what a masterpiece!!
As the mother of an eight year old Lego-loving son I can testify that this cake is LEGIT. If this doesn’t go viral on Pinterest I’ll be amazed – definitely worth some blindness. I hope Oliver knows what a good friend you are, being that you despise his parents and made this cake for him anyway! ????????????
Mellissa, nothing on this blog goes viral. I keep this show running for you and my mother. If it weren’t for you two (and my hatred of The Rutherfords), I’d have nothing to live for. Except for cake. And cats. And ballet. And Doritos. Never mind. MY LIFE IS AWESOME!
So glad the Lego man beat out the garbage truck this year.
I’d be willing to bet almost anything that he requests one next year. The man likes garbage.
Well, he *is* a Rutherford.
Holy shit.
movita likes this post.
Okay, I was in awe of this cake from the moment I saw you post it, and now that I’ve read the details of how you did it, I’m even more in awe. You rock, and I’m pretty sure if I had a cake like this when I was a kid I would still be talking about it to this day. Every detail is just perfect!