pumpkin carve-off 2012 – group 3

Here it is – the final group. A Beaucoup battle royale, if you will: movita versus 2.0 versus movita’s sister and grasshopper (honorary pain in the ass Beaucoup family member). Cast your vote at the bottom of the post! (Cast your vote for the Group 2 entries by clicking here.)

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movita’s movita

movita's pumpkin | movita beaucoup

movita's pumpkin | movita beaucoup

This is me – in pumpkin form. Last year, my Pumpkin Carve-Off entry got one vote. This did not make me sad until this week when a student pointed out that if that one vote came from 2.0, it meant that no one from my family voted for my pumpkin. And if it was a family member who voted for me… 2.0 did not.

So, a vote for this pumpkin represents a vote that I will not, in all likelihood, be receiving from any of my family members or the man who claims to love me more than anything.

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2.0’s Whatever!

2.0's whatever! | movita beaucoup

2.0's whatever! | movita beaucoup

When I asked 2.0 what he wanted me to call his pumpkin, he cheerfully hollered, “Whatever!” This is because pumpkin carving comes easily to 2.0. So, when he is carving a pumpkin, he is happy and stress-free. In fact, he had no plan for his pumpkin this year – or last year for that matter. Nope. He just shows up, munches on some pumpkin seeds and carves his gourd. He finished this gem in about 15 minutes – pumpkin flying everywhere. He was giggling, enjoying a beer, and conversing with Rosie Beaucoup. An hour and a half later, I finished my pumpkin – just after Bill Beaucoup’s pumpkin collapsed on itself. If I thought for one second that 2.0 voted for my pumpkin last year, I’d actually consider voting for this one.

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Team Haghopper’s Ginger Carve-Off

team haghopper's ginger carve-off | movita beaucoup

team haghopper's ginger carve-off | movita beaucoup

team haghopper's ginger carve-off | movita beaucoup

My sister, Hagley and our pal, Grasshopper, sent the following note with their entry:

Dear movita,

Grasshopper and I (Team Haghopper) are so delighted to have the opportunity to participate in Ginger Carve-Off 2012. While we did not have the time to read the contest guidelines thoroughly or at all and also didn’t want to, we are confident you will find no entry captures the spirit of the holiday season quite like ours. We have enclosed three photos as you probably requested.

Chip Zdarsky and Hagley Beaucoup

What can I say? When celebrities unite, good and confusing things happen. Look at the gingerbread detailing on this pumpkin! Nothing overlooked – an elf-sized cottage fit for a king. Are the candy shingles on the roof leftover from Ginger 2011? Probably. Is that cotton candy floating out of the chimney? Yah, I think it is. Am I uncomfortable with the pairing of vegetables and candy? Sure, a little. Did it stop Luke the Dog from eating the broccoli trees and most of the landscaping shortly after these photos were taken? No. No it did not.

A vote for this pumpkin is a vote for creativity. (And maybe dog poop.)

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Cast your vote below! (And if you haven’t cast your vote for the Group 2 contenders, click here.)

Poll will be open until about 9 pm AST (8 pm EST). The winning pumpkin (ONE) from this round will go on to compete in the finals on October 30, 2012. For more information on how the voting will go down, click here.


  1. texydeb on October 29, 2012 at 5:25 am

    I like all three entries but one stands out so I voted for it. 🙂 I am glad you are doing this it is some simple silly fun.

  2. Andrew on October 29, 2012 at 8:22 am

    Sorry Cuz…I gotta go with 2.0 on this one…it’s the only one of the three that actually captures the “spirit” of pumpkin carving….lol

  3. Steve Murray on October 29, 2012 at 8:57 am


  4. Kita (@passthesushi) on October 29, 2012 at 9:54 am

    That’s not fair, this one is rigged.

  5. shannon on October 29, 2012 at 10:19 am

    listen, there’s NO WAY i’m voting for 2.0, because anyone who carves pumpkins with ease, i’m automatically against. I almost lost FINGERS with mine. Under normal circumstances, I might vote for Team Haddy and Chip, because that pumpkin? that’s some serious mixed media. she probably gets extra points for snow-covered broccoli trees, at least in my book.
    But you made your cartoon boobs glow. that’s not easy. you get my vote.

  6. Mad Queen Linda on October 29, 2012 at 11:19 am

    I am never, ever carving another pumpkin. The only other time I’ve felt this inadequate was when — well, when — . . .now.

  7. musingmar on October 29, 2012 at 11:26 am

    White beans are so versatile! I make an Italian-inspired mash of them sometimes that we really enjoy. I like the concept of using them as a dip!

  8. themessybakerblog on October 29, 2012 at 6:07 pm

    Wow, you have some talented pumpkin carvers entering Carve-Off 2012! I’ve casted my votes, so let the best pumpkin win! Movita, your pumpkin is AWESOME. You carved yourself, and I love it. Good luck, all!

  9. wendy@chezchloe on October 29, 2012 at 6:12 pm

    Love these too!

  10. thekalechronicles on October 29, 2012 at 7:36 pm

    “Whatever” won my heart: 2.0 is an artist!

  11. cravingsofalunatic on October 29, 2012 at 8:45 pm

    I voted for you on this one Movita. Now send me a damn sheep. I mean Shannon got one for cripes sake.

    Nuff said.

    • Stephanie Barnhart on October 31, 2012 at 1:32 am


  12. movita beaucoup on December 27, 2015 at 6:41 pm

    Comments on this post are now closed as it was published in October 2012.