pumpkin carve-off 2012 – THE FINAL VOTE

This is it. The final battle. I’ve re-posted the photos and extraordinary insights from my original posts. This is mostly because I’m lazy, but also because I have to finish my Halloween costume for school tomorrow. (I can’t believe I just wrote that.)

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Amy’s Owl

amy's owl | movita beaucoup

amy's owl | movita beaucoup

Amy sent the following note with her entry:

Hi Movita!

So I just finished carving my pumpkin for some pre-wedding stress relief. Yep, my wedding is in 2 days! I can’t believe it. I tried to be really careful while carving, since I’ll have to be holding a bouquet in a couple days, but unfortunately, I still sliced my hand. It wasn’t too bad though, thank goodness. And it was totally worth it for this pumpkin. 

A little about my pumpkin theme. You see, our wedding is being held at the John James Audubon Center/bird sanctuary. In case you’re unfamiliar with John Audubon, he was a French-American ornithologist, naturalist, and painter. He was notable for his expansive studies to document all types of American birds and for his detailed illustrations that depicted the birds in their natural habitats. This location where we’re getting married is the site of one of his houses. Cocktail hour will be held in his 250 year old barn…and they’re going to bring two owls out for us to pet!!! Well, I don’t know if you can pet an owl, but I’m certainly going to try to. Awesome, right?

So anyway, to commemorate this very special wedding weekend, I’ve carved an owl themed pumpkin :) Hope you enjoy!

Amy @ Elephant Eats

Who carves a freakin’ pumpkin right before their wedding? Amy does. And then she educates your ass. That pumpkin is a freakin’ gem. Look at the detail! I wanna pet that owl. Pat that owl? I dunno, but I want to touch it. Also, Amy basically sliced open her hand FOR ME. That’s love, people.

Oh, and just so you know, that non-owl pumpkin up there in the first photo – on the right – belongs to her hubby. I guess when you get married, you have to do everything together.

(FYI, if you wanna learn more about Amy – and find out if an owl took a bite out of her hand at her wedding – you should check out her blog.)

UPDATE: here is a photo of Amy – on her wedding day – with an owl!! (And her husband!)

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Alison’s Corgi

alison's corgi | movita beaucoup

alison's corgi | movita beaucoup

Alison sent the following note with her entry:

Hey Movita,

Please find attached my submission for your awesome contest.  I challenged my husband to a carve-off and he only came up with Spiderman (LAME).  

For my pumpkin I used our corgi as a model.  I made him pose next to it.  He was not amused.

Anyway, thanks for being so darned entertaining!

 – Alison

Look at that pumpkin! Look at that unimpressed corgi! Awesomeness. Do dogs not get pumpkin carving? It’s like they don’t appreciate the nuances of shading and sh*t. Cripes. Anyhoo, on a cute-factor scale? Alison’s pumpkin is off the chart. I loves it right hard like. (I wonder how she convinced that corgi to let her trace its face for the template…)

Now, you should know that Alison also sent a photo of a pumpkin that her husband, Andy, carved. So, 2.0 and I insisted that Andy enter Pumpkin Carve-Off. And since peer pressure almost always works…

UPDATE: Alison has a blog! You can check it out by clicking here!. You will find more super awesome photos of her corgi there, and learn all sorts of crafty things!

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Lan & DW’s Bowser

lan & dw's bowser | movita beaucoup

lan & dw's bowser | movita beaucoup

You might remember Lan from Bake My Cake 2012. You might remember her Kid ‘n Play dance photo. Or her zombie apocalypse dance video. Or maybe you read her blog – which is getting more gorgeous by the second.

Lan sent the following note with her entry:

Dear Movita,

Here is our entry for your Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza.

i wanted a hello kitty type thing, dw wanted bowser. dw was the carver, so dw got bowser.

dw also is a star wars fan and that is why a tauntaun is in the frame with bowser.

that is all. happy weekend!

When I first saw Lan’s pumpkin, I was all: holy crow! I made my family stand around the computer to ooh and aah. And then I was all: wait… what the hell is a bowser? And seconds later I was all: WHAT THE HELL IS A TAUNTAUN?! 

That’s the thing about this pumpkin – it makes you think. It makes you wonder why DW didn’t want to carve a Hello Kitty pumpkin. It makes you google “bowser” to find out thatBowser (aka King Koopa) is a character from a video game – Super Mario, I guess. It makes you google “tuantuan,” after which you will be saddened to find a site called Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki. And it is there that you will learn that tauntauns are a species of reptomammals from Star Wars, and that DW must be a huge nerd.

Still. The pumpkin is pretty badass, don’t cha think?

UPDATE: This is Lan competing. She’s pretty serious about winning.

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Team Haghopper’s Ginger Carve-Off

team haghopper's ginger carve-off | movita beaucoup

team haghopper's ginger carve-off | movita beaucoup

team haghopper's ginger carve-off | movita beaucoup

My sister, Hagley and our pal, Grasshopper, sent the following note with their entry:

Dear movita,

Grasshopper and I (Team Haghopper) are so delighted to have the opportunity to participate in Ginger Carve-Off 2012. While we did not have the time to read the contest guidelines thoroughly or at all and also didn’t want to, we are confident you will find no entry captures the spirit of the holiday season quite like ours. We have enclosed three photos as you probably requested.

Chip Zdarsky and Hagley Beaucoup

What can I say? When celebrities unite, good and confusing things happen. Look at the gingerbread detailing on this pumpkin! Nothing overlooked – an elf-sized cottage fit for a king. Are the candy shingles on the roof leftover from Ginger 2011? Probably. Is that cotton candy floating out of the chimney? Yah, I think it is. Am I uncomfortable with the pairing of vegetables and candy? Sure, a little. Did it stop Luke the Dog from eating the broccoli trees and most of the landscaping shortly after these photos were taken? No. No it did not.

A vote for this pumpkin is a vote for creativity. (And maybe dog poop.)

UPDATE: I thought you might enjoy this photo of Chip.

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That’s it! Cast your vote below!

Poll will be open until about 9 pm AST (8 pm EST). Winner will be officially pronounced on October 31, 2012.


  1. Shari on October 30, 2012 at 9:00 am

    In my opnion, Halloween is meant to be fun and super silly, therefore, Team Haghopper has my vote all the way. I also think that shot of Chip will help secure the victory for them. I mean, it’s practically cheating.

  2. shannon on October 30, 2012 at 9:50 am

    amy invited OWLS to her wedding. i can’t vote against that. She makes me want to do my wedding over again so i can invite my own magical woodland creatures. because i would actually send them invitations.

    • Amy on October 30, 2012 at 12:36 pm

      Hehe, thanks, Shannon! That owl was named Sam Adams, and despite his minute size, was not a baby. He was rescued after he got hit by a car :(…and one of his eyes can’t see anymore. I wanted to pet him SO badly but his owner told me he bites. Also, love the woodland wedding idea…maybe for a recommitment ceremony? 😉

      • shannon on October 30, 2012 at 5:09 pm

        you know, amy…this december will be our five-year anniversary. and i think you just gave me an idea of how to spend it. that’s right: owls. i’m going to formally invite mr. sam adams to the event. 🙂 because he is PRECIOUS!!! what a sweetie, and what a sweet thing he was a rescue owl. aw!

  3. cravingsofalunatic on October 30, 2012 at 10:15 am

    I actually voted for the corgi. Cuz I mean who carves a corgi, that takes guts. And not just any corgi but her own corgi. Can you imagine how the corgi must feel. He’s a pretty special corgi. He’ll be immortalized forever, or until the pumpkin rots. Why dash his little corgi dreams. It’s just wrong.

    And how the hell did Shannon’s sheep habitat not make it through. Poor Lottie, she must be crushed. It’s a devastating blow and one I did not expect. Bunch of sheep haters in our midst. Pfft!

  4. […] vote for me — the voting closes […]

  5. Steve Murray on October 30, 2012 at 10:28 am

    If everyone would just look in their hearts, and at that stunning photo of me, you’ll realize that GINGER CARVE-OFF is the clear winner here: Creative, well-executed, topless.

    Thank you for your vote,

    • janie on October 30, 2012 at 9:08 pm

      You had me at topless.

  6. texydeb on October 30, 2012 at 10:30 am

    I don’t hate sheep and Lottie is priceless. I cast my vote with congratulations to all the finalists. 🙂

  7. texydeb on October 30, 2012 at 10:30 am

    Reblogged this on debsthoughtstoday and commented:
    last chance to vote

  8. Amy on October 30, 2012 at 12:34 pm

    I’m obviously going to vote for my own pumpkin, but that photo of Lan competing is pretty awesome 🙂

  9. theramblingxenophile on October 30, 2012 at 1:33 pm

    Voted..for ‘the Bell’..obviously! 😉

  10. Anonymous on October 30, 2012 at 2:55 pm

    Lan and DW gets my vote. They should get extra points for geek references.

  11. emma on October 30, 2012 at 4:04 pm

    Just checked back in, and was saddened to see the Corgi is losing. WHY DOES EVERYTHING I TOUCH LOSE IN MOVITA COMPETITIONS?!??!?? First myself, then myself again, then Shannon, and now Alison. I’m so sorry, everyone. Alison, mobilize your troops please, and change my luck.

    On a funnier note, I voted for the Corgi because I met one last weekend. I didn’t know what kind of dog it was – now I do! It was the world’s nicest dog, because it acted like an oversized cat – I don’t like dogs! It was overly friendly until you said the word ‘grumpy’ to it – then it started to growl and raise its hackles!

    Too much fun.

    • movita's sister on October 30, 2012 at 8:55 pm

      Emma, honey, stop touching yourself. The higher powers frown upon it. Also upon people who hate dogs.

      • emma on October 31, 2012 at 7:43 am

        And by higher powers, do you mean conservative Canadians with dirty minds to my north? Okey doke, I’ll try to keep it PG out of concern for your sensitive side;)

  12. Steve Murray on October 30, 2012 at 8:04 pm

    All I’ve ever wanted was to win this contest for some reason

  13. Jessica J. on October 30, 2012 at 9:47 pm

    I can’t believe the corgi is trailing by so much. I love your pumpkin, Alison! Also, I apologize to everyone for taking that photo of Steve/Chip/Grasshopper, whose pumpkin I am contractually obligated to vote for.

    • Steve Murray on October 31, 2012 at 8:37 am

      you are the best contractually obligated girlfriend a guy could ask for

  14. I’m baaaack! with a Pinterest Challenge | on November 3, 2012 at 10:41 pm

    […] Go check out the owl pumpkin I carved this Halloween and entered in Movita’s Pumpkin Carve-off 2012! It made it to the finals but sadly didn’t […]

  15. thatskinnychickcanbake on November 3, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    What a fun contest! I can only carve the basic triangles when it comes to pumpkins…so I’m in awe of all the marvelous entries!!

  16. movita beaucoup on December 27, 2015 at 6:41 pm

    Comments on this post are now closed as it was published in October 2012.