crap no. 28
Did you think I stopped blogging again? Nope! No such luck!
Guys, I think something happened to Murder Couple. I rarely see them together, if at all. And sure, this is good news for anyone they planned to murder, but it’s kinda sad too. Can’t couples make it through the tough times anymore? There was a glimmer of hope last week when 2.0 hollered, “HONEY! GET IN HERE! MURDER COUPLE IS BACK!”
movita: (looking out the living room window) Where?
2.0: (pointing wildly) There. There!
2.0: Don’t you see them?
movita: Oh, I see them. But that’s not Murder Couple. You’re pointing at the Chinese grandparents from up the street. They’re about 95 years old.
2.0: But…
movita: NO. Murder Couple is in their 20s. And they’re white.
2.0: Are you sure?
And now you know why I never leave 2.0 home alone.
I’m hosting my first gingerbread workshop this weekend, and I’m pretty stoked about it. Mostly because I really like watching people freak out about royal icing consistency. My students will be learning how to make the gingerbread house featured in this post. Adorable, if I do say so myself. (And I do.)
Did you see this delightful Twitter gem? It has been making the rounds all week:
Who would have believed that the perfect Wikipedia photo caption could have been improved upon?
— Alan Ferrier (@alanferrier) December 13, 2016
Here’s a which allows you to turn your photos into adult colouring pages. Maybe make some super creepy gifts for your family this year?
I’d also like to suggest that you read the product reviews for these gummy bears. (Thanks to my sister, Haddy, for the heads up.) And while you’re at it, maybe check out The 2016 Hater’s Guide to the Williams-Sonoma Catalog – it’s always a festive read.
And finally, Ginger 2016 is quickly approaching! We’ve had a rough week here, and I can’t tell you how nice it was to read the hilarious notes (essays) this year’s competitors sent with their creations. I hope if you’ve been feeling blue, you’ll get a little lift from this year’s entries. Bella’s back, so I can almost guarantee it. But just in case:
Hey Movi AKA Rachael
Maybe someone murdered the murder couple? Ohhhh sequel.
You gotta gotta gotta watch this BBC video…. you’ll legit pee you pants….
🙂 The things I do for you.
Investing in Depends,
Lynne xx
Oops. I sent you the wrong link… but it did cause me to watch every BBC talking animal video all morning long. I blame you. haahahhaaha.
This one is the funniest one :)….
You think that’s funny, try this:
Gah! That poor man! (And those lucky co-workers!)
Lynne, I think we should all fill our days with talking animal videos! (Wouldn’t the world be a happier place?) xox
thank you a million times over as you totally made me a smile and giggle. It has been a pretty bad week here as well and that is continuing with a work filled weekend so your post was particularly welcomed. The gummy bears write of great but the real grizzles were priceless. I’m forwarding the link to my mother now who is in the middle of a blizzard. I hope your class went great and thanks again for the giggles and smiles.
Let’s plan to have a great NEXT week and an even better 2017! xox
ginger workshop, you say! ugh…another reason why i need to live in Canada. if Murder Couple *does* end up murdering and subsequently gets arrested/charged/convicted? LMK, b/c house for sale.
So glad to know I can do a gummy bear cleanse in case I overeat over the holidays! Bring on the fudge.
That bear video totally made my day!!